All activities and dates may be subject to change.
17 September
- Welcome back and greeting our new members
- Results from our survey
- Programme
- Challenge - SPOOKY - photos to be submitted between 20th and midnight 25th October
24 September
- Presentation - Acting With Intent - Mike Keesling
- Annual Challenge - MONOCHROME - Lee Hargreaves - date for submission of entries TBA
1st October
- Challenge - RED - photos to be submitted between 25th and midnight 29th November
- My Photographic Journey - TBA
8th October
- Presentation - Composition Part 1 - Kate Teesdale (French)
- Presentation - Colour Theory - Mike Keesling
15th October
- Composition Part 2 - TBA
- Practical Session - Lenses
22nd October
- Presentation - Cropping - Howard Worf
- Practical Session - Cropping
29th October
- SPOOKY - Review and voting
5th November
- Bad Photo (Existing) versus Good Photo (New)
12th November
- Critique - how to
- Critique - Group session
19th November
- RED Critique
26th November
- Challenge - GLASS
- Presentation - GLASS - Howard Worf
- Practical Session Glass
3rd December
- Eymet Night Walk - low light exercise - bring tripods
10th December
- RED - judging - TBA
17th December
- Break
18th December
- Christmas Dinner
24th December
- Break
31st December
- Break
7th January 2025
- Break
14th January
- Selection of Images for the Abingdon Competition
Week of 20th January
- Abingdon Competition - date to be confirmed
28th January
- Landscape Print Challenge presentation
- My Life In Photography - TBC
4th February
- Critique - Glass
11th February
- Recreate a famous photograph informal challenge presentation - John Simmonds
18th February
- Glass judging - Judge Howard Worf
25th February
- Shoot an egg - lighting - practical evening - Mike Keesling
4th March
- Andy Jeffries - Presentation
- Editing basics - TBA
11th March
Practical - Budget Lighting - Lee Hargreaves
18th March
- Still Life Challenge presentation - Patrick Broder
- Exposure compensation - Lee Hargreaves
25th March
- Still Life Practical
1st April
- Outdoors practical session
8th April
- Break
15th April
- Break
22nd April
- Break
29th April
- Critique - Still Life
6th May
- Landscape judging - judge TBA
13th May
- Restoring old photographs - J P Landat
20th May
- Still Life judging - judge TBC
27th May
3rd June
- Recreate Famous Image review - just for fun
10th June
- Monochrome - judging by group vote
17th June
- AGM and awards
24th June
- End of season