All activities and dates may be subject to change.


17 September

  • Welcome back and greeting our new members
  • Results from our survey
  • Programme
  • Challenge - SPOOKY

24 September

  • Presentation - Acting With Intent - Mike Keesling
  • Annual Challenge - MONOCHROME - Lee Hargreaves

1st October

  • Presentation - Composition Part 1 - Mike Keesling
  • My Photographic Journey - TBA

8th October

  • Challenge - RED
  • Presentation - Colour Theory - Mike Keesling

15th October

  • Composition Part 2 - TBA
  • Practical Session - Lenses

22nd October

  • Presentation - Cropping - Howard Worf
  • Practical Session - Cropping

29th October

  • SPOOKY - Review and voting

5th November

  • Bad Photo (Existing) versus Good Photo (New)

12th November

  • Critique - how to
  • Critique - Group session

19th November

  • RED Critique

26th November

  • Challenge - GLASS
  • Presentation - GLASS - Howard Worf
  • Practical Session Glass

3rd December

  • RED - judging - TBA

Week of 9th December

  • Christmas Dinner